Thursday 13 March 2014

Less than a week to go...

I like lists.  I prepared a draft itinerary for our trip away, I've got a list of clothes and "stuff" (like chargers, phones, cameras, knife/fork/spoon, etc) that we need to take, and at the start of this week, I created a list of tasks that Eric & I have to do before we leave next week.

This particular list has things like: mow the lawn, trim the edges, move and secure the chickens, get foreign cash, arrange for someone to check and empty the postal box, copy important documents, ...  I had forgotten to include "get US Visas for boys and I" (Eric got his last year when we went to the States for work) but fortunately a teacher at school mentioned it, so it went on the list and I was able to cross it off the next morning!

Mow lawns - I was hoping to get that done on Monday, close to our departure, but with Cyclone Lusi bearing down on NZ, bringing with it heavy rain and strong winds, I decided to play it safe - get a couple of loads of washing done today and do the lawns too.  Another job crossed off!  (Eric still has to do the edges - that is his "chore" at home - I mow, he does the weed-eating - hopefully the weather will cooperate for him).

We're off to Listy's for dinner tomorrow to watch the rugby and give her copies of our important documents - another task completed!

Looking forward to the last item being crossed off - that will be the trigger to go to the airport!

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